- Q&A
1. Main Organizer:
2. Event Organizers:
3. Partner Event:
106K, 3-Days Elite Race
Event Date
February 26th–February 28th 2023 (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Report and Equipment Inspection
February 25th, 2023 (Saturday), 15:00 – 19:00
Report and Assembling Location
『Tea Cloud B&B』
Add: No.118-2, 4th Neighborhood, Leye, Alishan Township, Chiayi County 605031, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Pre-Race Briefing Session
February 25th, 2023 (Saturday), 18:00 at 『Tea Cloud B&B』
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
Event Date
February 28th 2023 (Tuesday)
Report and Assembling Location
『Alishan Leye Community Activity Center』
Add: No.56, 2nd Neighborhood, Alishan Township, Chiayi County 605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
106K, 3-Days Elite Race
Division: Male / Female / Teams
Race Type
- Each participant must carry mandatory equipment throughout the race, see “mandatory equipment list” for further details.
- Teams are limited to 2 members without gender restrictions.
- Teams must pass check points and the finish line together; completion time will be based on the final member to pass the finish line.
Total Distance: 106 km over 3 days (total climb 5170 m)
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
Division: Male / Female
Race Type
- Each participant must carry mandatory equipment throughout the race, see “mandatory equipment list” for further details.
Total Distance: 21 km over 5 hours (total climb 950 m)
106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
Division: Teams
Race Type
- Each participant must carry mandatory equipment throughout the race, see “mandatory equipment list” for further details.
Total Distance: 21 km over 5 hours (total climb 950 m)
106K, 3-Days Elite Race / 106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
Route Link:(https://reurl.cc/8W1jOR)
【DAY 1】35 km, Total climb 1654 m, 3 water stations, cut time:12 hours.
【Start】Alishan Leye Service Area→Mt. Leye mountain pass→Dinghu Fude Palace→Dadongshan Trail→DuoLin Checkpoint→Fenrui Historic Trail→Ruitai Historic Trail→Dayao Tea trail→Haishu Mt.→RuiFeng Elementary school→Ginger Lily Trail→YueGreen tunnel→RuiLi Community Activity Center【Camp Site】
【DAY 2】50 km, total climb 2450 m, 4 water stations, cut time:14 hours.
【Start】RuiLi Community Activity Center→Youth Ridge Trail→Yuantan Trial→Shueisheliao Station→Ruiguang Industry Road→159Chia Dahua Highway→Ganzaizhai Baoan Temple→Guanghua Village→Fenqihu Parking lot→Fenrui Historic Trail→DuoLin Checkpoint→Dadongshan Trail→Dinghu Fude Palace→Mihu Trail→Alishan Leye Community Activity Center【Camp Site】
【DAY 3】21km, total climb 950 m, 2 water station, cut time:5 hours.
【Start】Alishan Leye Community Activity Center→Mihu Trail→Dinghu Fude Palace→Stone Lion and Elephant→Sanjiaoyi→Mt. Pili→Mt. Leye→Sakura Trail→Mist Trial→Provincial Highyway No.18→Leshan Industry Road→Alishan Leye Service Area【Finish】
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
Route Link:(https://reurl.cc/8W1jOR)(select “2023阿里山D3”)
【Start】Alishan Leye Community Activity Center→Mihu Trail→Dinghu Fude Palace→Stone Lion and Elephant→Sanjiaoyi→Mt. Pili→Mt. Leye→Sakura Trail→Mist Trial→Provincial Highyway No.18→Leshan Industry Road→Alishan Leye Service Area【Finish】
※ Detailed route information will be announced in two months before the competition, the organizer reserves the right to change the road route at any time before the end of the event, based on safety and necessity.
Participants must apply on the website and complete wire transfer within 14 days to complete registration. Order information will be automatically cancelled for those who have not completed payment within this period.
106K, 3-Days Elite Race / 106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
*21K, 1-Day Trail Race is no accommodation provide.
Based on 3-Days competition system, each EMBA school will sign up as a group as a unit, the contestants must have the EMBA qualifications of the school. Ten people can sign up for each school team, and at least six people are required to sign up. Each school can send up maximun three teams to participate
Time calculated rules
- Each day only the finishing result of the sixth-place finisher on the day will be counted. A total of three sixth-place scores in three days will be added up as the team's total score for inter-school rankings.
- The top six players in the ranking of each day all need to complete the three-day competition. If any of the top six players fail to finish on any day (DNF), their individual results cannot be ranked as a team finish, and the top six each day must be recalculated. (Exception: This is not the case for forced suspension by the chief referee due to safety reasons.)
- Regardless of the ranking, or whether it is DNF on any event day, each registered player can continue to participate in the next event day but will not be included in the team score.
Gender for time reduction standard
The women team member will enter the each day ranking after individual finishing time has been reduced, and the sixth place will be taken after the ranking.
Time reduction standard: 30 minutes for the first day, 45 minutes for the second day, and 20 minutes for the third day.
Age for time adding/reducing standard
According to the full age of the players on February 26th 2023, players over 40 years old, for each additional year, the daily finishing time will be reduced 1 minute; players under the age of 40, for each younger year, the daily finishing time will be adding 1 minute, and so on. After the adding/reducing time will be entered into the ranking of the day's results, and the sixth place will be taken after the ranking. It will be in parallel with the women's reduced time standard.
Calculation of individual scores
All contestants take their personal original finishing scores (excluding the calculation of adding/reducing time for all competition systems) as the personal total score ranking of the 106K EMBA Challenge Race.
106K, 3-Days Elite Race / 106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
- Time will be calculated according to the event’s announced time (gunshot), the final tally of time records when participants pass the finish line will be used for final rankings (race completion certificate will display the sum of total individual time throughout the 3 days).
- Participants must wear bib patches to facilitate registration for event staff; all participants are responsible for ensuring their times are recorded when entering stations. The CP station only records entrance time; registration is not required when leaving the station.
- The sum of total individual running times of each segment of the race will be used to calculate final rankings. Participants should pay attention to start times to avoid affecting personal time records; race participants must carry all mandatory equipment of the race as event staff will conduct random equipment inspections at each CP station. If it is discovered that mandatory equipment regulations have been violated, this will result in disqualification.
- The top 3 participants without regards to gender in the men’s, women’s, and team races will be issued certificates, trophies and prizes.
- For those who don’t finish the race, the organizer will present you a memorial medal in appreciation of your bravery to challenge yourself.
- Fluid stations (CP station) can be found every 9~12 km and provide drinking water for race participants. As actual and measured distance may contain slight errors or geographic obstacles may result in slight errors of fluid stations (CP station), race participants are forced to fill their water bottles or take backup drinking water at each station before continuing the race.
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
- Time will be calculated according to the event’s announced time (gunshot), the final tally of time records when participants pass the finish line will be used for final rankings (race completion certificate will display the individual time).
- Participants must wear bib patches to facilitate registration for event staff; all participants are responsible for ensuring their times are recorded when entering stations. The CP station only records entrance time; registration is not required when leaving the station.
- Participants should pay attention to start times to avoid affecting personal time records; race participants must carry all mandatory equipment of the race as event staff will conduct random equipment inspections at each CP station. If it is discovered that mandatory equipment regulations have been violated, this will result in disqualification.
- The top 3 participants without regards to gender in the men’s, women’s will be issued certificates, trophies and prizes.
- For those who don’t finish the race, the organizer will present you a memorial medal in appreciation of your bravery to challenge yourself.
- Fluid stations (CP station) can be found every 9~12 km and provide drinking water for race participants. As actual and measured distance may contain slight errors or geographic obstacles may result in slight errors of fluid stations (CP station), race participants are forced to fill their water bottles or take backup drinking water at each station before continuing the race.
106K, 3-Days Elite Race
106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
- Submit documents of identification or passport when reporting.
- Due to mail considerations, the organizer will delivery participants pack for foreign participants to the reporting site on February 25th; foreign participants must claim items using passports.
- Participants from Taiwan will have all items mailed to their registration address since February 15th, 2023. Participants must bring these items to the event site and sign documents regulated by the event along with the inspection of all equipment.
- Participants must sign a disclaimer and other documents when reporting in. (Related documents will be delivered with items. We suggest signing these in advance and bringing them to the event to shorten the reporting process.)
- This event will not accept representatives for claiming items or reporting to the event.
- This event insures participants with 2,000,000 NTD in accident insurance and 200,000 NTD in medical insurance. Foreign participants and those who require additional insurance should seek insurance with a provider. Participants should consider their personal ability as this event is highly streneous; if additional burden is caused to the organizer due to parcicipants personal reasons, the organizer may seek compensation from the participant. The digital disclaimer in the application form is legally binding; participants may not complete the application process without agreeing to this document.
- This event has a high degree of difficulty. Please evaluate with due diligence before submitting application and participate according to personal ability and health conditions. If you feel discomfort, do not force yourself; individuals with a history of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes should not conceal their health status and are prohibited from participating. Race participants are liable for any accidents that occur; the organizer will hold no liability.
- The event will continue as usual unless in the event of natural disaster, uncontrollable factors, or if the organizer announces delay of event; if the event is delayed by natural disaster or other factors, the organizer will issue refunds after deducting processed or paid fees to all members who are unable to participate.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the contents of the event. The latest news about the event will be updated on the event website. The organizer may make amendments without prior notice for any unforeseen matters in the event above.
- The organizer reserves the right to publicize recordings, photographs, and race results around the world on websites and publications; participants must agree to allow their likeness and race results for use in promotional activities.
The organizer will protect personal information and must provide notice of the following in accordance with clause 8 of the Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”):
According to the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act, the governing facility authorizes the collection of the name, identification number, date of birth, address, gender, nationality, telephone number, e-mail, emergency contact and their address and telephone numbers of you and other parties for the specific scope of this purpose; the aforementioned personal information will only be used within the scope and period by the organizer in the hosting/co-hosting, and undertaking of the event. The personal information collected by the organizer will only be provided in digital or physical form to this company, contracted suppliers, or cooperating and appointed third parties. The organizer holds your personal information and in accordance to clause 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act, you reserve the following rights in the exercise of your personal information:
-Search or request to read your personal information.
-Submit request for a copy of your personal information.
-Request to supplement or correct your personal information.
-Request a cease to the collection, handing or use of your personal information. - Once the application deadline of this event has been exceeded, you may not change clothing size or change participants. If you would like to change size or address, please submit a request before the application deadline; claims will not be accepted after the application deadline, thank you for your cooperation.
- Participants that are not from Taiwan must claim items on the day of reporting to the event; participants from Taiwan will receive all items by mail. Items will only be mailed to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu Islands; if you’re from a foreign region, please claim items on reporting day.
- The event provides each participant with one opportunity to transfer participation qualification; please submit a request before the application deadline.
- Refund Standards: If a refund is required after completing payment, please submit a request before the registration deadline. If a refund is required after the registration period, we will deduct a 40% processing fee and complete the refund within one month after the event has concluded. We thank participants for all you cooperation.
- Participants to this event are responsible for their own transportation and are liable for any inability to participate due to personal reasons.
- TEL: Monday to Friday 09:30 -17:30 , call to inquire with the SUPERACE event department, +886-2-2351-5319 *301
- E-mail: [email protected]
- SUPERACE Fan Page: https://goo.gl/6Y1MEO

106K, 3-Days Elite Race
USD 550
Participant Pack:
※ SUPERACE race completion running tee
※ SUPERACE Alishan station badge
※ Number Bib, pin, event manual
The race will Provide:
※ Travel insurance
※ Drinking water during and after the race
※ Professional and experienced medical support team
※ Camp site lodging & shower service for 2 nights(2023/2/26-28)
Race Completion Awards:
※ Race completion medal and digital certificate (requires completion of race)
※ Post race celebration banquet (lunch)
106K, 3-Days Elite Team Race (2 people)
USD 1,100
2. Teams are limited to 2 members without gender restrictions.
3. Teams must pass check points and the finish line together; completion time will be based on the final member to pass the finish line.
Participant Pack:
※ SUPERACE race completion running tee
※ SUPERACE Alishan station badge
※ Number Bib, pin, event manual
The race will Provide:
※ Travel insurance
※ Drinking water during and after the race
※ Professional and experienced medical support team
※ Camp site lodging & shower service for 2 nights(2023/2/26-28)
Race Completion Awards:
※ Race completion medal and digital certificate (requires completion of race)
※ Post race celebration banquet (lunch)
21K, 1-Day Trail Race
USD 80
Participant Pack:
※ SUPERACE race completion running tee
※ Number Bib, pin, event manual
The race will Provide:
※ Travel insurance
※ Drinking water during and after the race
※ Professional and experienced medical support team
※ 2/28 Free shuttle bus service before race, from “Finish” to “Start”
Race Completion Awards:
※ Race completion medal and certificate (requires completion of race)
106K, 3-Days EMBA Challenge Race
USD 700
Participant Pack:
※ SUPERACE race completion running tee
※ SUPERACE Alishan station badge
※ Number Bib, pin, event manual
The race will Provide:
※ Travel insurance
※ Drinking water during and after the race
※ Professional and experienced medical support team
※ Camp site lodging & shower service for 2 nights(2023/2/26-28)
※ Part of mandatory equipment delivery to campsite service
Race Completion Awards:
※ Race completion medal and digital certificate (requires completion of race)
※ Post race celebration banquet (lunch)
Extra Service Ticket
USD 22
2. (all participants)2/28 Post race celebration banquet for relatives & friends:USD$22 / per person
3. (21K trail race participants)2/28 Post race celebration banquet:USD$22 / per person
106K, 3-Days Elite Race:25th Feb., to Reporting Point (Tea & Cloud B&B)
106K, 3-Days Elite Race:26th Feb., to Starting Point (Alishan Leye Service Area)
Google map:(https://reurl.cc/o9D1Dj)
- An area for participants parking cars at the Alishan Leye Service Area, until the end of the race.
21K, 1-Day Trail Race:28th Feb., to Starting Point (Alishan Leye Community Activity Center)
- An area for parking cars at the “Finishing Point-Alishan Leye Service Area”, until the end of the race. Highly recommended participants park the cars first at Finishing Point, then take our free shuttle bus service to the Starting Point.
- Finishing Point-Alishan Leye Service Area, Google map:(https://reurl.cc/o9D1Dj)
Free Shuttle Bus Service
- For 21K participants on 28th Feb before race (05:00-05:30), from “Finish” to “Start”.
Extra Shuttle Bus Ticket
- For all participants on 28th Feb after race (around 13:00), from “Finish” to “ChiaYi High Speed Rail Station”.
What is a multi-days Ultra Marathon?
SUPERACE Ultra Marathon Stage Race is a concept created by extreme terrain explorer Kevin Lin who has participated in extreme marathons over many years. In an event totaling more than 100 km over 3 days and 2 nights, participants must carry their own food and water throughout the journey and make choices based on speed and stamina. The race is a challenge against wild terrain, animals, drinking water, weather, time, depleting stamina, and speed where difficult decisions must be made. Participants can also experience local tourism culture.
What is Self-carry and Self-supply?
Throughout the course, participants must carry their own food (prepare a minimum of 7 meals, we suggest buying dried rice packets), water, sleeping bags, change of clothes, and the event’s mandatory equipment. Backpacks have an average weight of 6-8 kg (including water). The event organizer carefully inspects each participant’s equipment before each race and if violations are found, participants must purchase additional equipment locally. The event only provides camp sites, drinking water, hot water, and tents to participants at CP stations (approximately 1 every 9~12 km). Participants who violate rules will be punished with additional time or disqualification.
What Types of Athletes Have Participated in SUPERACE Ultra Marathon Stage Race in the Past?
Participants of previous ultra marathon events mostly have full-time jobs and hail from various industries. SUPERACE does not place occupational restrictions or other requirements on race participants; this event is an international ultra marathon stage race and each race contains elite atheletes from various countries (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the U.S.) with 80% male and 20% female.
How Many Days are Required for Participating in Alishan Station?
Participants need to arrive one day before the race, to join the report, equipment inspection, and pre-race briefing session. and leave at any time after the race has concluded. The whole race will lasts 3 days and 2 nights, and conclued around noon in day-3, after the awards and ceremony. Therefore there are total 4 days to join this event.
What does the overnight campsite provide? Can I take a shower?
SUPERACE ultra marathon compares and refers to the international regular multi-day race system. Depending on the local camp conditions, organizer will set up tents for the players or provide indoor space for overnight use, and provide drinking water and hot water for meals, support and assistance from professional medical staff and volunteers. In principle, the camp does not provide bathing services.
Due to the climate condition in Alishan has a large temperature difference between day and night, indoor space as a campsite will be arranged.